Saturday, February 27, 2010

Spirits of Earth; Show Your Powers!!!

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Just checking... My blog is still here :)
Now i go give you some other thoughts of mine... And it is ok if you call me a moron/lunatic or whatever :)
I am not the only mad dog around here at the moment :) Earth is pissed off also :) And if you now look to for example your MSN homepage you will see what i mean.
Huge Earthquaks in Chile and Argentinia and tsunamies going direction Hawai...
Well... Peoples... Show me how tuff you are and stop these Earthquakes and Tsunamies :)
Maybe you can give your money to Earth... Making a bribe... Or send your soldiers, to scare the Earth :)
Or send your cops... Let them arrest the Earth :))
My job should be to PROTECT people, but nobody gives me my job, so, what can i do?
My job at this moment should have been to get off ALL the peoples from Hawai. ALL. And when the Tsunami is passed they can go back.
And.. i told you already, you may find me a lunatic :). I just laugh too.
My job before was that i was a seaman, captain, if you need to know. Not within the navy, merchandize.
Either people give me my job or they don't. Chances are very big that they won't...
My job would need great 'powers'... Those idiots from the army (under my supervision they would become the REAL heroos instead of what they are now :)) for example would be used to get off all the people from Hawai, they would go to Chile, Argentinia, Haiti, ... to build up everything again asap.
Money? MONEY?? I just told you i would have great powers... Worldwide, and i would take the things i needed from wherever i could get them.
And like a real captain - as the real seamen know -, a captain is the last one who leaves a sinking ship, i would be the last one leaving Hawai.
Give me my job and i fullfill... But... all i can hear is laughter.

You people want instead only some fake people, people with smooth talks and so, or even dictators and so... fuck up each other, see who is the 'best' and fuck the rest...

So... I keep on playing with my blog and ask my buddy Earth to throw some more shit upon you, and... with a bit more power if possible and better directed... As i see it, the people of Hawai and Chile and Haiti and Argentinia are not the worst people... But, i told in my previous message already, a mad dog bites to everything...

Oh... And if you want to know what my salary demands are? Enough to pay the rent, buy food, and for smoking... (tobacco and... marihuana ;)) That is all. Enough to pay the bills.

Good Luck Peoples!

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